Monthly Archives: May 2007

Summer Knitting Goals

Here is a list of my summer knitting goals:

1.  Finish the Sugar/Cream cotton covers for my dining chairs

2.  Finish the Upside Down Spiral Socks

3.  Finish the Schiaparelli Slipper socks

4.  Finish the Child’s Front Placket Sweater

5.  Knit a shrug in frayed ribbon for youngest DD

6.  Knit a tank for self

7.  Knit a Ruffles scarf

8. Knit a Bauble

That should keep me fairly busy over the summer.  If I can complete this list, I will be in great shape to start my fall and winter knitting.

Thinking about building an ark!!

It remains rainy and dreary here in Kansas — I am starting to think of my umbrella as an appendage! But enough — must not focus on that.  The weather has me in a bit of funk and gloom, however.

So to perk myself up, I signed up for the Summer of Socks 2007!


And now — a couple of the pairs of socks I am currently working on —

Schiaparelli Slipper Socks

These are the Schiaparelli Slipper socks in Mountain Colors Weavers Wool — I think they are going to be lovely.  I like working with this wool.

Upside Down Spiral Socks

This is the first sock that is finished — I finished this sock 5 years ago!  And it has sat in the wardrobe where I store craft projects just waiting very patiently for its mate.  So I got it out for the Summer of Socks 2007 — They have contests and prizes.  Do you suppose there is a prize for the pair that took the longest to finish????  This pattern is the Upside Down Spiral Socks from Interweave Knits Summer 2000.  The main color (navy) yarn is Brown Sheep wool and the CC is a silk blend variegated.  This sock has an afterthought heel, for which I admit I have no fondness.  Perhaps that is why the sock has been single for the past 5 years.

In addition to knitting socks I have three other current projects in the works.

First is the Child’s Front Placket Sweater from Last Minute Knitted Gifts for Ryan.  Here is a photo of my progress on it —

 RYan’s Sweater I am up to the armholes.  Now I will knit the sleeves on dpns and then put it all together — I am using a dark red Wildflower DK cotton acrylic for this.

Keyhole Tank I went over to Hancock Fabrics on Saturday morning for sewing supplies and they had — yep, you guessed it — YARN on clearance.  This is a frayed ribbon yarn called Dynasty — 1.20 a skein at 80% off.  All 5 skeins just jumped into my basket.  So I cast on for a Keyhole Tank from last summer’s issue of Knit.1 for my 19 yo DD.  Just her colors — pink, pink, and purple.  While I was at Hancock’s, I found the cutest pincushion on sale 50% off, so I had to buy it —

Flower Power Pincushion Isn’t she darling — a flower power pincushion — I probably wore a similar dress in high school.  But I actually bought this for my younger DD who wants to go into fashion. 

Okay — one more photo.  A planned summer knitting project just for me!

Wildflower DK sage green summer tank project A Fiber Trends summer tank using Wildflower DK in my fave color — sage green! 

So there you have it — my summer adventures in knitting — or at least some of them.  There is also a Branching Out scarf using a skein of the Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool in that lovely shade of Moss Green, a dark red Ruffles scarf, a kangaroo pocket sweater for a toddler — and whatever else I feel like knitting.

Last Friday evening I got home from the office and made myself some multigrain spaghetti with grated pecorino romano cheese and grated pepper — YUM — and settled in and watched an interesting little film called Girl in the Cafe.  It was made for HBO originally and starred Bill Nighy and Kelly MacDonald.  Saturday I bought more plants at the Farm Market but it has been too wet to plant them — I also bought more wonderful organic asparagus, local greenhouse tomatoes, radishes and leaf lettuce.  I am ready for SUMMER!

Rainy Days

The weather was great over the weekend.  Saturday morning I went to Herb Day and browsed and bought a few plants, and some yummy organic asparagus and tomatoes.  I ran some errands for my mother — she has been ill with pneumonia and is still not feeling great.  In the afternoon I went over to Heritage Hut for knitting group, which I have not been to in FOREVER — felt good to be back.  I bought a basic tank pattern to use with the 5 skeins of Wildflower DK in lovely sage green that I purchased from the sale bin many months ago.  I figure I will have about 25 yds of yarn left after knitting the tank, so I have just enough yarn.

I finished reading The Natural History of Uncas Metcalfe.  Interesting read.  I am now listening to Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Love, Pray on cd that I got from the library.

We are back to rain here — it started yesterday and will likely continue to the end of the week.  The yard needs to be mowed, but will have to wait until it is drier.  But it is looking a bit jungle-y at this point.

Ryan’s sweater is coming along nicely.  I have 1.25 inches before I start dividing for the armholes.  I am anxious to get this done and start on my tank.

I emailed my Sockapalooza recipient and when I hear back from her, I will start planning her socks.

And the pal who is making socks for me has contacted me. 

I love participating in Sockapalooza!

I got an email announcement for this year’s Knitty calendar contest.  I sent in a couple of photos last year, but was not chosen.  I think I have come up with a great idea for this year.  I want to photograph Keenan in his Devin sweater.  I am thinking that a nice park setting and a pile of yarn would be great — but I am still thinking this through.  I may try several different settings and see which turns out best.