Monthly Archives: September 2006

Fall is in the Air!

Thought I should get back to posting.  Things have been busy as usual — had two jury trials practically back to back at the office which required a lot of my attention (I am a paralegal in my day job), Baby Ryan is now staying at my house at least until November 1, new Bible studies have begun, been playing bass at two services each Sunday, the list goes on and on.

 I have a bass student now.  I gave him his first lesson a week ago and it seemed to go well. He wants a lesson every other week, which works well with my schedule.

The band is choosing music for a women’s retreat that we are doing — must start practices soon for that.

On the topic of knitting, I left the pieces for the Devan sweater at my LYS for blocking.  I started and have nearly finished the V neck cardigan with contrast trim in a size 3-6 months for a baby gift.  Am using the pattern from Debbie Bliss’s easy baby knits book.  I have an alpaca boucle scarf on the needles for another gift.  I am getting ready to restart the lace scarf for a third time.  I do not despair or give up easily!

The weather is finally cooling off here.  I turned off the central a/c and hope to keep it off.  I had some apples in the fridge that I needed to do something with quick — so last night I made a small pan of homemade applesauce.  My daughters love homemade applesauce.  I just cut up and peel apples and cook them in a saucepan with water, brown sugar and cinnamon. 

 Youngest DD and I went Sunday afternoon to a fleece sale at Hancock Fabrics.  We bought enough fabric to make 3 tie blankets — one each for the DDs, and one for baby Ryan.  Youngest DD made hers Sunday evening and Eldest DD will make hers and Ryan’s when she comes down next weekend.  She is not a craft person, but this is so simple that she can do it without any problem.  She wanted University of Texas — big football fan — so we got logo fleece for the top and a creamy white for the back.  Ryan’s is very colorful — green backing and the top has cute lions with bright oranges, reds, turquoise and greens.